Progressive Donation

3rd February 2024

This morning we attended a hand-over at the monthly Axbridge Farmers Market in the town square, where we were given a donation of £500 from Barbara Wells and Margaret Cowie of the 2023 Axbridge Progressive Supper. This is an annual event in the town, where 150 or more people wander through the streets on one evening to have each of three different dinner courses – starter, dinner, pudding – in a different house with up to ten other guests. It’s a fiendishly difficult thing to understand, let alone to organise – as you’ll see in Harry Mottram’s blog post where he tries to explain it.

We’re grateful they took the time to do this and thank everyone for this our second donation from the event. This time they raised over £1,500 with donations also going to Cheddar Valley Food Bank and the Axbridge Carnival.

Photograph courtesy of Harry Mottram.